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Buttermere is a beautiful body of water, in the Western lake District, renowned for its often calm and reflective qualities. Accessed by several different routes: ...
Jul 24, 2014 , 0
Competition Winners!
Competition Winners!
Congratulations go to M.Shovlin and M.Richardson of Seaham, Co Durham; our competition winners! Their correct answer of Floutern Tarn was the the first to be ...
Feb 23, 2014 , 0
Competition Time!
Competition Time!
***WIN A COOL £130 VOUCHER TOWARD A STAY AT “Cottages Made For Two”*** Tell us where we are in the picture (name the body of ...
Feb 16, 2014 , 0
Jan 27, 2014 , 0
This is the lovely, peaceful lake of Loweswater in the North-West of the National Park. With Grasmoor (852m) touching the clouds at the far eastern ...
Dec 30, 2013 , 0
Rannerdale Knotts, Buttermere.
Rannerdale Knotts, Buttermer...
From Cottages for Two, to a fell walk for all. It was a pleasure for Dasher and me to join our guests at Cottages Made ...
Nov 17, 2013 , 3
High Raise & Ullscarf. Autumn Fells.
High Raise & Ullscarf. Autum...
High Raise. An Autumn walk. 1st November 2013 Wayne and Dasher enjoyed a good day walking from Wythburn (Thirlmere, NY322127) valley, through the “squelchy” valley, ...
Nov 11, 2013 , 0
Anything you can do…..
Anything you can do…..
Western Fells. Lank Rigg. Dasher may have made it to the top of Lank Rigg first, but Dylan topped his feat with just that little ...
Oct 31, 2013 , 0
  • Testimonials

    25th August 2025 1 week. Another relaxing stay in the Hayloft despite the weather! Lots to explore around the area and to top it all off we witnessed a steam train coming by on Saturday. We are looking forward to returning already. Thanks Wayne & Jo
    Ann, Gordan and Teddie 🐾, Northumberland.
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