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Availability for all Cottages

September 13, 2016 by Wayne

To book now type in your “Check in” and “Check out” dates (under a cottage calendar below) and then click “Check Availability”. You will be informed below the boxes on the availability and be given the option to “Confirm booking”. If you click “Confirm booking”, it will take you to the booking form and give you the price. Only if you fill that form in and send it will you be making a booking. This is especially helpful when enquiring about dates that might coincide with 2 seasons.


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Reserve of 1 available accommodations.

Salkeld Cottage is available for selected dates.


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Reserve of 1 available accommodations.

Dykes Cottage is available for selected dates.


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Reserve of 1 available accommodations.

Parlour Cottage is available for selected dates.


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Reserve of 1 available accommodations.

Hayloft Cottage/Apartment is available for selected dates.

Stables 3

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Reserve of 1 available accommodations.

Stables 3 Cottage/Apartment. Pet Friendly is available for selected dates.

Stables 4

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Reserve of 1 available accommodations.

Stables 4 Cottage/Apartment. Pet Friendly is available for selected dates.

Using the calendars to get a price.

You can add your “Check in” and “Check out” dates (under cottage calendar) and then click “Check Availability”. A little message will appear below to tell you that it is available and give you the option to “Confirm booking”. If you click “Confirm booking”, it will take you to the booking form and give you the price. Only if you fill that form in and send it will you be making a booking. This is especially helpful when enquiring about dates that might coincide with 2 seasons.

Please call 01697 321439 to make fastrack reservations.