High Raise & Ullscarf. Autumn Fells.
High Raise. An Autumn walk.
1st November 2013
Wayne and Dasher enjoyed a good day walking from Wythburn (Thirlmere, NY322127) valley, through the “squelchy” valley, toward Wythburn Head Tarns and circumnavigating The Bog.
There is a brief view of the man made Thirlmere reservoir before passing beneath Black Crag.
We then turned toward Broadstone Head and stopped for the view of Helm Crag (The Lion and The Lamb). Seen as a bracken festooned fell in the centre of the photo.
Lunch was required on the ridge up to Codale Head, with Dasher only having to warn off one walker from his gravy bones. The sun gave us some warming views of Greenhow crags and Greencoombe Breast.
Greeted by a moody scene at the summit of High Raise (762m) and like Great Gable we are almost able to grab a whisp of cloud. A good view too over Glaramara and Borrowdale fells, at the precipitous drop from Fleetwith Pike into the Honiter Pass.
Wayne and Dasher still atop High Raise and getting in on the fine scenery North: including Skiddaw, Bassenthwaite Lake and Derwent Fells.
Making our way back now, having crossed Ullscarf and heading toward Standing Crag. Improving weather keeps the camera busy, even though the light is dropping off fast and the fells of Fairfield etc are drowsed in late sun.
Dasher makes a last minute dash for Blea Tarn from Standing Crag! His dash was cut short however, as it was totally the wrong direction and we needed to make it to Harrop Tarn and then the car. Tea was calling.